Catholic Parishes of Western Wayne County
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, NY

Contact Us:
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
52 Main St.
Macedon, NY 14502
Office Hours:
M 8am - 12pm
Phone: 315-538-8242
St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish
P.O. Box 499
Ontario, NY 14519
Office Hours:
M - Th 8:30am - 2pm
Phone: 315-524-2611
Prayer & Spirituality
Enrich your life through prayer and adoration.

Adoration, Confession and Benediction are held every week. You are invited to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during this holy hour.
Monday from 5:30 - 6:30 pm at St. Maximilian Kolbe - St. Mary's Church
Wednesday from 5:30- 6:30 pm at St. Katharine Drexel - St. Patrick's Church
Novenas, Devotions, and Parish Retreats
A little-known devotion that honors Joseph's joys and sorrows
St. Joseph, while he never spoke a work in scripture, is one of the most beloved saints of Christianity. His silent example of obedient faithfulness is one that spoke much louder than any words. Over the centuries there grew many different devotions to St. Joseph, expressing a deep filial love for the foster-father of Jesus. Among them, THE SEVEN SUNDAYS DEVOTION TO ST. JOSEPH.
According to Salt and Light Media, "The story goes that two Franciscan monks who were shipwrecked at sea clung to a plank for two days, and were saved by a man of venerable appearance who miraculously brought them to shore. When they asked who he was, he replied, 'I am Joseph, and I desire you to honor my seven sorrows and seven joys.'"
Click the icon to follow the joys and sorrows of St. Joseph, along with their respective passages in scripture. One approach for these Sundays is to read each passage and consider how Joseph Joseph would have felt in the situation. This is a form of lectio divina or "divine reading," where you are able to put yourself into the scene and see Joseph's expressions through each episode.
St. Michael the Archangel Novena
St. Michael the Archangel is mentioned a few times in the Bible and is venerated as the “Prince of Angels”. He is known for interceding for us for protection from evil and for healing. In Christian art, he is often depicted wearing armor, wielding a sword or spear and slaying a dragon, a serpent or satan.
The Catholic Church refers to Michael the Archangel as St. Michael even though he is an angel and not a a saint whose recognition resulted from canonization. He is believed to be the prince of all of God’s angels and the protector of the church.
There were several instances when St. Michael is believed to have appeard in the Bible, among them:
– In the Book of Daniel, St. Michael is referenced as the “Great Prince and defender of your people”
– As a sword-wielding angel who introduced himself to Joshua just before the fall of Jericho as commander of the army of the Lord
– As the leader of the angels who banished satan and his minions according to the Book of Revelation
– As an archangel in the Epistle of Jude
– In the Epistle to the Thessalonians, mention is made of an archangel who will announce the second coming of Christ. Though not identified, it is believed to be referring to St. Michael.
St. Michael is venerated as a healer and protector of the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness. His feast day is celebrated on September 29 but we are praying the novena in February.
Click the icon to follow the Novena of St. Michael the Archangel.